Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Digital Archive

heres my digital archivie

ps: Judith the UBU report is now done....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


my non linear timeline is that old re-worked book i brought to class its not on my digital archive. this video is a loving response to liam's baby sloth video.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Liam Crockard's Digital Archive

Hey guys, here's my digital archive.

Also, here's a video of a baby sloth, because i think it's the best thing ever:

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


my digital archive is up

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Robert Frank, 'Me and My brother' 1969, re-edited 1997.

Robert Frank in more noted for being a photographer and being involved with the fluxes movement.
much like his photographs, Frank's uses interweaving of real life documented footage with re-enacted sometimes fictitious
footage. In 'Me and My brother' there is an intermingling between dramatized footage of peter orlovsky and alan Ginsburg along with orlovsky's schizophrenic brother julius. The film in supposed to be based on julius but seems to be open ended. some of the footage portrays orlovsky, ginsburg and sometimes frank himself trying to cast actors to play themselves and julian, meanwhile interweaving footage of actors playing various overly dramatized situations chosen from the producers lives. notably christopher walken is set to portray Robert Frank. Ginsburg and orlovsky were lovers, which I think gave a foresight into the general public consensus on sexuality and their taboo lifestyle. during the beginning of the short, Ginsburg and orlovsky with Julius are casting a sex scene and the man in charge of the studio is telling stories about all of the strange sexual encounters filmed in the room, this is interwoven with footage of the actors portraying ginsburg and orlovsky while conducting in foreplay and Julius watches.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

UBU web Report:Paul Glabicki’s Object Conversation (1984)

Paul Glabicki’s Object Conversation (1984)
Glabicki, found under film & video on ubu web has many animations on film accredited to him. These experimental animations are what intrigued me the most. Not only because these were painstakingly hand done but also because they deal with issues relating to natural and human processes is fascinating. Paul Glabicki presents his work in an conceptual sense, where metaphors and ideas integrate into layers of images and sound. This is most obvious in the piece
“Object Conversation” along with the visual treatment it possesses. The piece comes across as an abstract, aural and visual conversation that deals which numerous issues that relate to existence, time, interpretation and the human brain and its processes. A lot like psychology. The film comes across as a test that plays with the mental processes that take place in the human mind such as tests on memory, experiences, perception, semiotics, language and interpretation. Each viewer, therefore, see’s the same film in association to their mental processes and that means, each viewers perception is different because the layers of associations present in the film are different depending on the perception its viewed from. Objects that are familiar to almost anyone are featured in this animation and they, basically create a multi layered “dialogue” between the objects shown and the audio heard. The relationship that is created by this conversation varies on each viewer.
The certain pop art quality about this piece makes it artistically interesting, this treatment makes the viewer feel like a work of art is being viewed but instead of being on a canvas it’s being presented on film. Paul Glabicki is clearly an artist whose medium is film rather than a filmmaker who makes artistic films. His animations produced thousands of drawings that had been used for the animation because they were all hand done. This means that his animations are in paper form too each paper an individual work of art. I think that’s why his work is much more interesting compared to experimental animations today.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Hey It's me Andy Hicks, Just doing a test!!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

UBU WEB Report #1 (click title for link)

Laurel Beckman - USA

“BEATBOTS-Blavatsky” 2006-7

Found in the “Contemporary” section of UBU WEB based on something called concrete poetry, Blavatsky along with two similar pieces are what seem like moving and slightly mouse augmentable mandalas. They are created with an open source interactive programming language called Processing. Using text of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Beckman scripts Processing to “extract punctuation marks in relation to their appearance in a text, translate them into symbols on spokes that appear in a loop with rotational shaking. Mouse activation further rotates the spokes/symbols in 3D space.”
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was considered a founder of Theosophy and was known for her physical and mental physical capacities including materialization, clairaudience, out of body projection, telepathy and levitation.

Laurel Beckman's website:

Monday, February 26, 2007


hey guys i cant access judith's mycourses cos i switched from doug's class. can someone like gimme their password and login name to use and i promise/swear on my unborn children that i wont print off your account or f*** with any of your sh**????

Friday, February 16, 2007

the older loops


hey I'm just getting used to online hosting applications, if the image I posted does not load directly on the blog, then click the

image alias and it will bring you to a monster view. This is the first piece of my idea of using this style of animation in a more

polished manor. I'm trying to do more, I actually found an interest in a school project for once in a long while but they take sooo

long to do.

as for my artist statement, I am trying to capture motion from memory into single frames. The memory part gives for a more

interesting and stylistic end product and more enjoyable approach. I have been drawing with this sort of style on and off and

thought it would be the next step to actually see what each individual drawing looks like when put together into real motion.

First flash video

Thursday, February 15, 2007

wfmu beware of the blog page

Here's an album jacket I found on a blog I found through ubu web. I posted it just so you know -- it's easy to upload pix to the blog, as long as the file size isn't too big. When you're in "post" mode, you will see a little landscape picture icon on the upper left of the compose post window. Click that, browse to select the picture file, upload and it's there.

There's a link to the ubu-related blog -- click my title above.

WELCOME - post links to your loops here

A brief outline of your loop projects, along with links to online files if possible, should be posted here. Please include a written description summarizing your presentation in class.

Also, this is where to post links you think the class will find of interest, including the materials you've found on ubu web.