Tuesday, February 27, 2007

UBU WEB Report #1 (click title for link)

Laurel Beckman - USA

“BEATBOTS-Blavatsky” 2006-7

Found in the “Contemporary” section of UBU WEB based on something called concrete poetry, Blavatsky along with two similar pieces are what seem like moving and slightly mouse augmentable mandalas. They are created with an open source interactive programming language called Processing. Using text of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Beckman scripts Processing to “extract punctuation marks in relation to their appearance in a text, translate them into symbols on spokes that appear in a loop with rotational shaking. Mouse activation further rotates the spokes/symbols in 3D space.”
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was considered a founder of Theosophy and was known for her physical and mental physical capacities including materialization, clairaudience, out of body projection, telepathy and levitation.

Laurel Beckman's website:


1 comment:

Kaelan DM said...

Nice web site and really interesting work by Laurel Beckman. I look forward to your presentation on this in class. Thanks for the link.

By the way, this is not "Kaelan" it's her mother Judith.